Thursday, March 25, 2010

oh yeah...i went there...

first off, let me say that i understand FULLY that what is to follow may completely, irrevocably offend some people. hell, it may offend most people. but it was a thought, and like most of my thoughts the get brain vomited out. i will quantify this post by saying: this is tongue in cheek. this is not intended to be a serious school of thought. this is pure, complete brain vomit at it's finest (or worst). i also understand that i may be struck by lightening while typing this. if that does happen...hell, i still think it was funny/worth it. so. without further ado. join me in FAR, FAR, left field:

is god gay?

once you get past the initial shock of that statement, lets take a moment to consider some points to ponder:

#1: it says in the bible that man was created in god's image. MAN was created in god's image. he didn't start with women...they came later on. he started with man. secondly: if we're all created in his image, that means our thoughts, urges, desires, sexual preferences or natural partner selections all came from him. that means that gay is no shock to god. he put it in our minds when he created us. he created man with the natural curiosity, the natural experimental desire, the natural homosexual desires, the natural straight desires. if he created us in his image with all our desires, wouldn't it stand to reason that he had/has the same desires? that "in his image" means we are like him, desires, preferences, tendencies and all?

#2 creation: really? have you seen some of the fabulous natural arrangements and color combination on this earth? have you seen the way things effortlessly blend together? the beauty and wonder of nature? sounds like gay interior design at it's best to me.

#3: when have you ever heard about any women in heaven? all the arch angels, the horseMEN of the apocalypse, all the messengers of heaven...ALL MEN. all of em. the big fight with lucifer where he was cast out of heaven...sound a little like a particularly bad lovers spat to anyone else? a "power struggle" that started all the problems? sounds like someone got tired of being the bitch and wanted to pitch for once instead of always catching. and he hasn't been let back in because when he left he took a legion of followers with him...well..duh...who likes to lose half their eye candy supply? and we all know what drama queens gay men can...just as bad as teenage girls. and as a former teenage girl, i know how nasty the cat fights can get and how long the grudges can be held. what's a couple million years? HE TOOK THE EYE CANDY!

#4 when god sent jesus out into the desert to be tempted...WHO tempted him? A MAN. not only a man, if my hunch is correct, a former lover. talk about temptation. it was some shiksa with a rockin body and every sexual position/ability know to man sent out there to tempt him? it was A GUY. i mean...REALLY? how much clearer can it get?

#5 the virgin mary: really? he couldn't even do the deed one time? he had to "create a miracle" to get out of it?

ok...i haven't been struck by lightening yet, so i'll stop before i push the thread too know...weigh the evidence for yourself...get back to me on it...

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