Monday, March 2, 2020

welcome to my home

in the first post for this project i mentioned maybe doing a video.

i've explained a few times before, so bear with me if this repetitious.

when i write it's like i'm having a conversation with someone sitting across from me. maybe when people read, it's the same thing.

i hope it is.

so, i wanted to show ya'll my home, where i'm doing the writing, where these "conversations" are happening.

i want anyone reading to feel like they're sitting in my living room with me having these discussions.

my adorable, weird, colorful, living room. 

i reached out to a friend who has an outstanding career in film including television, movies, web shorts, music videos, hair cut name it. he is outstandingly skilled, incredibly talented, and unfailingly kind. years ago after having my gallbladder removed he stopped by to bring me chocolate cake and check in on me. just because. he's that kind of person. the guy that volunteers to make a Make-A-Wish video. 

and he so so so graciously accepted my request for help with this video. 

and now, with much trepidation and immense nerves, i present:
The Project: The Goal

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