Thursday, July 18, 2019

i'm about to get loud y'all

i was raised to be polite.

i was raised to bite my tongue.

be the bigger person.

never, ever, no matter what, NEVER cause a scene.

turn the other cheek.

stay out of other people's business.

i've always been an introvert. i've always been terrified of confrontation, so all that worked just fine with me.

when i was married and he was calling me every name in the book, telling me how stupid i am, threatening to have me arrested for asking him to go play cards with me at a friends house (attempted kidnapping was his threat), i cried, oh lord how i cried, but i didn't fight back. i stayed quiet, i made a plan, and i got out.

when i was at work and my coworkers went on rants about how they would never let "those people" (gays) anywhere near their family i kept my peace.

when my male coworkers complained to me about how single moms are all worthless lazy whores that are just trying to get all the money they can from the government i didn't say anything.

i've always worked in the industrial field where "that just the way roughneck guys are." i come from a small town with active racist groups. i've seen crosses burned on lawns. i've seen people be beaten for their sexual orientation. i know people who have been brutalized for the color of their skin. i've seen people literally run out of town by an angry mob of white men in trucks. 

i've heard all the "jokes" and i've heard all the rhetoric. 

and i'm done.

a few weeks ago i was at whisky wednesday when the gentleman sitting next to me at the bar started going off about all those "turban heads" and running his mouth about a young refugee mother who had recently been murdered by her husband (who then left the country) i couldn't listen any more. i spoke up. they are PEOPLE. that poor mother was murdered and stuffed in a freezer. i don't care what color your skin is, i don't care what language you speak, i don't care what country you were born in. NO ONE. ABSOLUTELY NO ONE. deserves to die like that. and then to disparage her in death? fuck all the way off. i mentioned to the gentleman at the bar that i had dated a young man from iraq back in the day. his response? I HOPE YOU'RE OVER THAT PHASE.

me: and what phase is that sir? dating intelligent people who speak multiple languages, have brilliant minds and engage in conversations that intrigue and challenge me? no sir, i hope i'm never over that phase.

him: oh, they're intelligent?

me: THEY ARE HUMAN BEINGS. they are people. they have lives. they came here from homes. they came here from cities. they have schools and universities and grocery stores. they aren't sand people living in a tent in the desert. AND EVEN IF THEY WERE, THEY'RE STILL PEOPLE. yes. he was very intelligent he grew up with parents who taught at multiple universities around europe. he spoke several languages fluently AND WAS HER BECAUSE HE WAS AN INTERPRETER FOR THE UNITED STATES MILITARY. he helped our country.

him: oh. well. i hope you didn't let him treat you badly like they do.

me: no sir. he was a gentleman and understood that he was dating an american girl in america. he respected me and i respected him.

him: oh.

he finished his drink and left for the evening only to be replaced by this guy:

me: *sets phone down on countertop*

guy #2: i'm so sick of all this pride shit.

me: i'm sorry. what?

g2: your phone background.

me: you do realize, that you're saying that to a gay person, in a gay bar?

backstory: i've had several conversations with this guy previously. he comes in after trivia night at a bar across the street. we've discussed the shift in the "splash" of the molten iron at the earth's core causing the earth to tilt off it's axis a little more. we've discussed forest practices and the need for forest management and healthy burn practices. we've discussed higher education pursuits. we've discussed my writing (when he saw me working on a blog one night). he's, what i would consider to be, a regular at my bar.

where a large portion of customers are gay.

where some of the staff are gay.

it's not a "gay bar" but it's where many of us feel safe. openly so.

g2: yeah. i'm just sick of all this pride shit. when do we get straight month? where's my straight parade?

now, i know this guy. i've had discussions with him. i know he's an instigator. he's a fan of playing devil's advocate and arguing just to argue. i get it. i've been known present the alternate side of an argument and defend it in conversations with friends just for representation and inclusion about various topics. IN A RESPECTFUL AND CAREFUL WAY. as a point of consideration. not as an attack.

i didn't want to take the bait. i knew this guy was being an asshole just to be an asshole.

but you know what? i'm tired of that too.

so i spoke my mind. we bantered a bit then he went out to the patio to smoke.

when he came back in he said: you know i was just joking, right?

me: i know, but i don't care. i'm tired of hearing it. YOU might be joking, but all the other people i hear it from? they aren't joking. and i'm tired of listening to it. and it isn't a joke. it isn't a joke when you go to work every day for a boss that supports politicians that call for the extermination of people like me. that fucks with your head, you know?

him: oh shit. i'm sorry. i'm really sorry. you must hate me now.

me: (back to being my sassy self) forever and ever and ever we are now mortal enemies and our children's children shall carry on our grudge long after we're gone.

him: oh, good.

but i'm done listening to it. i'm done biting my tongue.

last night i decided to get my nails done. it had been a full month since the last time i went in...i've been trying like hell to still be boujee while being broke as fuck, stretching time between appointments as long as possible. but i received a small, unexpected bonus from work so i decided TREAT YO SELF.

the gal that did my nails last time gets started on mine and i hear someone come in the door behind me. it's one of those customers that you know RIGHT AWAY is going to change the mood of the entire place. she's barely in the door, DEMANDING a pedicure, and loudly complaining that there isn't a bright enough orange color on the shelf. WHY ISN'T THERE A GOOD ORANGE HERE.

now girl, you know i'm high maintenance. i understand wanting a specific color, but calm down, there are PLENTY of options, including a multitude of oranges to select from. i know. i like orange too.

so then she sits down in the pedicure chair and starts complaining that the water isn't hot enough. she's TIRED. she just got off the plane. she's in the military. she just got back from the war. she wants HOT water. she's yelling about how they didn't put any salts in the water. so the owner went to put salts in the water, WHAT'S THAT SHIT? I DON'T WANT THAT IN THERE!

i get it girl. i'd probably want a good pedicure too if i've been in combat boots for months on end. but you know, maybe not worth yelling at people over? maybe politely ask instead?

then she hollers across the salon to me, WHAT IS ON YOUR NAILS?

my fingers were wrapped in aluminum to soak off the gel from last time (seriously ya'll, my manicure lasted a FULL MONTH with not one chip or tear, they had to fully soak it off after 4 weeks, they're amazing).

so i told her: they soak the polish before they remove it instead of grinding so it doesn't damage your natural nail.

and this lady argued with me. THAT'S NOT HOW IT'S DONE. I'M FROM LA. I'VE NEVER SEEN IT DONE THAT WAY.

full volume.

i have absolutely no interest in discussing this. this is what they do, the same way they've done every other damn time i've had my nails done. this is so far down my list of shit to worry about it doesn't even register. i'm just trying to relax and enjoy being my high maintenance self.

so the owner of the salon sits down to start this gal's pedicure. i've been going to this salon since 2011. the owner is the sweetest, most polite, gentle soul. i've seen her handle difficult clients before. it's a nail salon. people are particular. she's always graceful and kind.


it goes on for a few minutes, then the owner, bless her heart, scoots her stool back and quietly says: "i have the right to refuse service to anyone."

my ears instantly perk up.

i've never, ever, ever, seen this owner flustered. ever. for her to actually refuse service? i'm on alert, instantly.


the owner calmly stated again: "i have the right to refuse service. i would like you to leave."

and that lady just ran her mouth. all the things. all the threats. all the hate. all the bullshit.

the owner went next door to ask one of the other business owners for help and called the police.

the next door business owner that came to help also happened to be a black lady. so then it started being about black on black racism. and it kept growing and growing.

NO ONE ELSE has said a word at this point. the owner is on the phone quietly talking to the police, all the other techs and customers are just quietly trying to stay out of it, myself included and this lady is just winding herself up tighter and tighter. nothing particularly egregious has been said at this point besides being loud and obnoxious and accusing everyone else of being racist.

then i hear:

"all you fucking asians just need to go back to your country."


seven levels of oh fuck no.

me: HEY. NO. YOU DON'T GET TO TALK LIKE THAT. NO. YOU'RE DONE. you're done talking now. you don't talk to people like that. you don't say things like that. NO. NOT TODAY.

i spoke up. i'm seeing those fucking words in the headlines on the daily. i know people are thinking them. BUT TO HEAR IT IN PERSON?

fuck off. NO ONE is from this country but native americans. so fuck all the way off telling someone to go back to their country. i'm done. i won't hear it.

so then this lady starts in on me. fair enough. i opened my mouth. i get it. she's going to drag my ass outside and beat me. she's going to slap me. she's going to put my honky ass in it's place. "salon sally" can keep her white opinion to herself. she threatens to take me outside again.

me: girl, you do what you need to do. if you want to take me outside, then you need to take me outside. but no, i won't listen to this. you don't get to talk to people that way, ever.

then i'm a cunt. then i'm stuck up white bitch. then i'm a spoiled honky.

fair enough. my lily white, basically translucent ass IS WHITE. i am a little stuck up. i'm in a salon on a wendnesday evening getting my nails done. i was in a pencil skirt and flowy duster and heels. i looked like a boujee spoiled white bitch. i get it. i work hard to look that way actually. i LIKE to look nice. i work really hard to look nice all the time. and i have a certain level of privileged because of how and where i was born. i'll grant you that. i get it.

yell at me all you want honey, i can take it. the good lord himself if he existed would know i've heard plenty worse.

she starts in about how fucking fat i am. maybe i should go see a fat doctor.

fair enough. i clock in at a solid 250. i'm a little thick. she's not wrong.


i'm fucking livid. my hands are shaking so bad. my poor nail tech was trying to finish polishing them and i'm just shaking like a martini in a bond movie.

then she starts in about how i just need a big black cock in me.

i would like to add at this point, this lady is FIFTY TWO (one of the things she shouted at everyone) and is there with her daughter and granddaughter.

and she shouts across the salon at me that i just need a big black cock in me.

in front of her granddaughter.

also: not to be too graphic. but considering that the last time i had a "big black cock" in me it was when i was being raped, no, i do NOT think that's what i need in this particular moment.

the other business owner from next door comes over to me and asks me not to say anything else, the police are on their way, if we can just all ignore her until they get here it would be best.

so i disengage. i sit quietly and listen to this lady continue to rage and call me a honkey so many times i lost count. she continues to scream at everyone how racist they are and she's being treated so badly and she's going to own this salon, and, i shit you not, THEY SHOULD GIVE HER MONEY RIGHT NOW TO GO SOMEWHERE ELSE AND GET HER PEDICURE.

fuck man. i wish i had the audacity to voluntarily go into a business, verbally assault the owner and the customers, then demand money to go do the same thing at another business.

the police eventually arrive and try to talk to her and get her to leave. she's been sitting in the pedicure chair the whole time. they cuff her and take her outside where's she starts yelling and screaming at them, telling them we're all liars (all the other people in the salon) before they even talk to any of us. they eventually go to put her in the back of the cop car and she spits on one of the officers. patience of a saint, that officer. i can't imagine being spit in the face. well, actually i can. been there. spit at anyway. didn't hit me in the eye like that guy just trying to do his job.

the cops talk to all of us and the other clients all clear out. the squad car is blocking in my mini so i stay inside with the owner and the other techs and try to help as much as i can. these poor women are terrified. they have worked so hard at this business for at least 8 years. to have to actually refuse service to someone had to have taken every ounce of the owners courage. i can't even imagine. then to have it BLOW UP. and there's still a language barrier. the officers are trying their best but asking about a no trespass order, asking about names, birth days, that's intimidating as fuck FOR ME. born and raised in this country. and this is their business. this is their living. i can't imagine the scenarios running through their minds. i help explain a no-trespass order, what they need to do if she does try to come back, help reassure them that they're ok. they ARE welcome here. this in one person. don't listen to that hate bullshit. 

the officers all leave, everyone has cleared out, i know the salon doesn't close for another hour, but i tell them to lock the doors behind me, go home to their families, spend time with the ones they love.

i'm so tired of it ya'll.

i'm tired of all the hatred.

i'm tired of all the slander and horrible speech.

i'm tired of being quiet.

i'm tired of biting my tongue.

so i'm done. i'm done staying out of it.

i don't care if i make a scene.

i'm about to get loud y'all. i'll use my voice. i'll be the one to say something.

**side note: the really important details: my nails are flawless as per usual. even through all that. ON. FLEEK. (am i using that right? or is that just for eyebrows?)

**second side note: popped by on my lunch break to drop off cupcakes and check in on them. i don't know how to heal a racist verbal attack, but cupcakes help, right? all those gals, every single one of them back in the shop, business as usual today. i can't even imagine the bravery that took. 

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