Friday, October 4, 2013

by the way...

i have been working TWO WEEKS at full time hours now. the job hunt is officially over. i'm back among the standard 8-4 rat race. HOORAY.

it's the same job i've had for almost two years now- they were able to offer me full time AND I TOOK IT.


it seems that the universe likes to fuck with me as much as possible- an awesome opportunity couldn't be accepted without passing up and another equally as awesome opportunity. it could never be like HERE'S ONE OPTION. TAKE IT. of course not. that would be too nifty. my universe has to be like: hey- wandering around forever with ZERO options and nineteen kicks in the gut? well now you have to choose between THREE AMAZING THINGS ALL AT THE SAME TIME WITH NO CLUES AS TO WHICH IS THE BEST OPTION AT ALL.

i mean- thanks universe for finally pulling through, but REALLY?

SO. back to the point.

i think.

in the job interview process i was privileged enough to interview for some really fanfuckingtastic jobs including the local symphony (an office job, don't worry, i won't make you listen to my stellar piano skills any time soon), a few large corporations, and, my favorite, the INBA.

if you are unaware, locally the INBA (inland northwest business alliance) is part of a national "gay chamber of commerce."  they exist to make sure there is a list of LGBT owned or allied businesses available to those who need it.

side note: i HATE that we still live in a world where people still have to worry about "straightening" their house if they need service work done or being worried about running across a non-supportive business owner when trying to arrange an event or even just spend a day shopping. it would have been an awesome job to help build the web of support of businesses willing to say HEY, WE TREAT EVERYONE EQUAL.

ANYWAY. i was called back to the second round of interview for the position but had to bow out after deciding to accept the position where i already work.

happy but sad but happy day.

ANYWAY. back to the point.

during the first round of interviews, the interview panel asked: "if you approached a business about joining the INBA and the potential member asked "well, won't everyone think i'm gay if i join?" how would you handle that?"

the very first thought in my head was: REALLY? people would think that?

the second thought was: there's probably more behind them being worried about what people think than just joining a chamber.

my third thought was: YOU'RE A BUSINESS OWNER. MONEY IS MONEY. pretty darn sure you will lose little to no business by supporting the community as a whole equal set of citizens. any business you might possibly loose? pretty sure they weren't a good client if something as basic as that scared them away. does it really matter if they fleetingly wonder about who you go home with?


i thought the question was interesting. would people really think you're gay because you support LGBT?

fast forward a week or so.

my brother called for one of his usual check up/humiliation sessions. actually, i take that back. it's been better the last few times. less judgy, more just basic chatty.

he was asking about work, if i'd been on any interviews, and i proceeded to tell him about the INBA.


you can't make this shit up. that was the FIRST question he asked me. not how many hours. not how i heard about it. not how the interview went.


me: well, i'm bi. you knew that didn't you?

him: ummm...i don't think i did.

me: oh. huh. well you do now.

at that point i got a call on my work line (my brother called on my cell) and i had to interrupt to answer the customer.  2 minutes later, back to my brother:

him: remember when i told you to stay away from evil men? was this your solution?

me: ummm....

and that's how i accidentally came out to my brother.

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