Tuesday, July 17, 2012

catch me if you can...

so. I had a few minutes to look at my computer today and realized i haven't posted since MAY. holy slacker. I know I promised to write more- and I have- just not here. I'm officially on staff at a new magazine (shameless plug: museandthemode.com) and have been writing articles and neglecting this.

I'm ready for my flogging.

also, in addition to the magazine I have 4 other jobs keeping me occupied- I know. in January I was camped on my couch and couldn't find anything. kinda miss those days...my checkbook doesn't though. last month for the first time in far too long there was a little bit of scratch left after the bills were paid. been a long time since actual paychecks have done that.

the funny thing is that my brain has been exploding lately- the more I take on the more I find I want to do. writing for the magazine kicked my crafty stuff back into gear and I ended up making jewelry of all things. that bit of creativity sparked a million other ideas, stories, blog posts but i honestly haven't had time to sit down and do it. right now m-f goes something like 8-4 work, baseball from 5-8, work for one of the other 3 jobs, kids, and sometimes sleep. slightly crazy. behind the scenes: I'm actually tapping this out on my phone at a baseball game. thank heavens for smart phones.

long story not so short- I am writing, check the magazine for my bits and pieces. things should taper off with baseball soon a ill have evenings back and can hopefully sit down and empty some of this brain stuffs out.

until then...

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