i'm still here.
i'm WAY behind on weekly posts.
but i'm still here.
still frustrated.
still scared.
still bored as fuck.
still hate everything.
i'm particularly frustrated this week by finances.
who isn't?
i know. everyone is stressed about finances right now.
i'm jealous of the ones who are worried because of covid. at least there's an eventual end in sight.
i'm just straight up fucked.
i found out last week that no, my shiny new insurance doesn't pay for ANY mental health care.
as in NONE.
as in you have to reach your $5,000 deductible before they pay anything. that's 50 weeks of $100/per appointment.
there's only 52 weeks in a year...and i only go every other week
i'm sure it's my fault. i'm sure i didn't read the packet close enough.
i'm used to insurance that only requires a $20 copay or, for the short time i was on state insurance, fully covered.
but nope.
absolutely nothing.
besides a bill for services not covered.
i changed jobs, i changed careers, for NOTHING.
i completely fucked up.
and also, the child support i thought was on pause? not so much.
so between the pay cut and having medical deducted from my paychecks i'm bringing home $600 less per month. then throw in the $1k drop per month adjustment for no longer receiving child support AND now paying $423 per month for outgoing child support.
so. in the last year i've had to adjust for $2k less per month. when my total monthly income was only $3800.
granted, i'm not the best at math, but that's...*sigh*
i was getting ready to adjust to this BEFORE everything with the lockdown happened.
i thought i had a reprieve, and now...
and, if you didn't know, child support is VICIOUS. or i'm just scared of everything. or both.
because of how long the case took to mitigate, i started out the initial judgement with 5 months of back support which means there are liens out against me, the IRS has been notified, there's a STACK of mean and threatening letters about losing my license, jail time, etc. for not paying the debit. THAT I JUST ACCRUED. literally in the same week as the final judgement papers i received a notice of lien.
funny (not funny) how it took them YEARS to track down my ex and make sure he paid child support but it took only 5 months to obliterate me.
it's just...
i feel like i try so hard to fight for myself only to be smashed down.
oh, you want a job where you're not groped every day and there's not constant hate speech? $5 hour less.
oh, you want to be able to sleep at night and not have to worry about being murdered by your own child? here's a support order and a notice from the IRS.
oh, you want to work on your mental health so you're not thinking about dying every day? ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha...MONEY PLEASE.
none of this is because of the stay-at-home orders, but the lockdown hasn't helped.
i was doing fine for a while but it's been WAY too long since i've interacted with another human which, even for me, is extreme.
and it makes being single that much harder.
yes, i know being stuck in stay-at-home with a partner/family/roommate/whatever isn't sunshine and lollipops for everyone. i get it. and i honestly can't imagine sharing my itty bitty space with someone,
but there's also something to be said for having someone to talk to, maybe hug if it gets really bad.
aside from the 30 second interactions with employees at grocery/target pick ups, i haven't talked to a real human being in person in a while.
well, aside from the neighbor that knocked on my door last week which was...awkward at best. no, i'm not going to invite you in, neighbor who isn't actually a neighbor and is the boyfriend of a neighbor (that i don't know at all...i *think* it's the lady with the yappy little dog).
but that's just...
no thanks.
at least most of my work clients/vendors are being very polite letting me chatter a bit before getting down to brass tacks.
i'm still trying. i'm meditating almost every day (sorry saturday).
vitamins. food. water. sunshine (through windows). music. showering.
oh, and i very, VERY quickly remembered why purple is a particularly mean color to pick when your hair maintenance isn't on point...
i'm still trying to muddle through. reading still is impossible. writing...i've moved my notebook/pencil around with me every day for weeks without writing a damn word. crafting/art? ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.
crappy shows on hulu that i don't actually watch are about all i've accomplished.
it feels like i'm stuck in this weird space of waiting for stay-at-home to end but knowing it won't fix anything for me when it DOES end.
i still won't be able to afford to go anywhere.
i'm frustrated.
i'm scared.
i'm bored.
i'm lonely.
i'm angry.
spin the fucking feelings wheel and no matter what it lands on i'm sure i've felt it this week.
i tried to clean/purge this weekend only to realize there's nothing to do with the stuff once you do that. so. everything just went back where it started. and entire weekend completing an exercise in futility.
at least all my plants are still alive.
and i've only gained 3 lbs.
fuck it.
fucking fuck.
ok. this whole writing project is supposed to be me being honest and talking about everything, even the scary stuff. not just the whiny bitch bullshit.
i'm terrified of dying.
i know that sounds weird from someone who has thoughts of death on the daily (yeah, again).
but fuck am i scared of dying.
what would happen to stella?
how long would it take for anyone to notice if i died in my apartment?
who the fuck would be stuck cleaning up my apartment and all my bullshit (thus the attempted purge this weekend). i've been the person doing the clean up. it's fucking terrible.
i need to update my will. my life insurance is decent and i want to make sure it doesn't go to the wrong people.
should i try to make amends with anyone?
who gets stuck dealing with my ashes?
how fucking frustrating would it be to die not mattering? no accomplishments. no reason for people to remember you ever existed. if my life was coco, i wouldn't even make it to the underworld village.
i don't have an in-case-of-emergency, i have a brother that lives on the opposite side of the state who doesn't like to talk about heavy things and i'm pretty sure death is one of the heaviest things.
although he did do well at handling my dad's estate. so. at least maybe that part will be taken care of.
it's a lot.
i was doing check-ins with people last week and found out one of my first responder friends was at home in isolation due to a cough.
he was in the waiting time between the test and the results (thankfully negative).
with all the news and new statistics coming out it really made me stop and think.
more and more it's sounding like WHEN, not IF you get this virus. the effort to flatten the curve was never to get rid of the virus, just an effort to mitigate the resources required to care for people. everyone would need a hospital at some point, just hopefully not all at the same time.
and now, beyond the WHEN, it's a matter of how bad, and no one seems to know how to predict that.
only old people.
well, old people plus compromised people.
well, old people, compromised people, regular aged people.
well, old people, compromised people, regular aged people, and kids.
now they're showing "young" (aka anyone under the 65+ category) are getting strokes after recovery.
so, here's this thing that's evolved so rapidly (well, our knowledge of it has anyway) that now is basically inevitable, with a scale of sick to DEATH.
and i get that it's not really different than the majority of death anyway. you never know when you could trip on a sidewalk and die.
all it takes is one toilet seat from an international space station.
but someone who thinks about death on the daily, i really don't like thinking about death.
i don't have my own ISBN number in the library of congress.
i've never had a successful partnership.
i haven't accomplished a single damn thing in my life.
my kids haven't even taken the necessary classes to be able to property dance on my grave (although peeing on it shouldn't be too difficult to figure out).
for being very caviler about death, i really don't want to die yet.
and i know i'm a fucking raging cunt.
i can still pay my rent. i can still buy groceries and toilet paper. i still have a job to clock into at 7:00 every morning.
i know there's 26.5 million people that can't say the same thing this week.
i know there's 50k+ people that would love to worry about anything right now.
all my therapy tools are SCREAMING at me in my head right now.
stop comparing. stop wallowing. find a positive. make a change.
i'm still here.
Tuesday, April 28, 2020
Tuesday, April 14, 2020
week: who the fuck knows
i haven't written in a few weeks.
it seems like with everything going on in the world, EVERYONE is writing a think piece or how this is impacting them or any of the millions of articles related to the current state of the world.
the main thing i've seen in response to the deluge of writing is people saying the last thing they want is another think piece.
i've just...not.
well, that's half of it.
the other half is bad habits kicking back in.
today is not a good day.
and like all my other bad days the first thing i do is tell myself to shut up about it. no one wants to hear a whiner. everyone is having a hard time right now. suck it up buttercup.
all the usual players are here- shame, guilt, anger, fear, judgment, insults, insecurity...
the whole point of this writing project was to be honest with myself. stop hiding from the hard stuff. write it out.
i've been monumentally stupid in the last few weeks.
for about a month i was accidentally forcing myself into a terrible postpartum depression. i mixed the wrong supplements under the idiotic thinking that "if they sell it at target, it can't be bad for you."
i researched evening primrose oil as a natural way to help skin and pms among other things. i researched the shit out of it, like i do everything else. a few minor side effects listed: headache, digestive issues. no big deal. first few days my boobs HURT but digging a little deeper showed one of the "side effects" was breast growth. huh. weird. whatever.
then i started noticing my skin getting WORSE. way worse. painful cystic acne worse. but, you know, things take a minute to adjust. maybe it's just purging the bad stuff out of my system then it will all clear up.
maybe i'll randomly mention something to a friend (an herbologist) who lets me know: btw, it kinda tricks your body into thinking it's pregnant. oh, and also that other supplement you take can also be used as an abortificant.
i'm dumb enough to mix supplements that simultaneously made my body think it was pregnant AND trying to abort causing a postpartum like depression. because that's what i need. MORE DEPRESSION.
on top of that i've been in the middle of a rent strike at my apartment.
since all this covid bullshit has started, my building management has refused to provide any kind of rent relief OR clean the building. after repeated emails to them asking to have common areas cleaned, the finally sent a (nasty) notice with their cleaning schedule (fake), the areas cleaned (still visually dirty) and the products used (i would love to see reports on how a swiffer cleans covid).
i'm at a loss. technically they provided what i asked for. they state the cleaning is being done. it would be my word against them if i complained (if i even found someone to file a complaint with). they're being absolutely terrible up to and including threatening eviction. yes, i know they can't evict right now, there's a 150 day moratorium. it's still massively blows though. i have NEVER not paid rent OR ever even been late on my rent. it's been a point of pride in my 21 years of rental history. i'm furious that there's nothing i can do. i'm furious that they're lying. i'm furious that the building is dirty and unsafe, especially as most of the other tenants are older. but what can i do? i'm shouting into the void. it's my tiny voice against a corporation who has zero interest in doing what's right.
the same thing is happening at work. i've heard the "you should be grateful to still have a job" line so many times and it's so abusive. the company didn't let us keep our jobs out of a magnanimous gesture. they did it to keep making money. they didn't "let" us all work from home out of goodwill. if that was the case, it would have been available YEARS ago. they did it because they need to keep money hitting the accounts. they sent out a corporate wide email about how they're not paying out 19 billion in shareholder payments right now to "help the company" during this time. YOU WANT TO HELP THE COMPANY? use some of that 19 billion euro to provide full medical and living wages to your employees. stop pushing productivity right now. let people adjust to the entire world being a fucking dumpster fire. say "people should have adapted to work from home by now..." ONE MORE TIME YOU FUCKING ASSHATS. it wasn't a one time thing. it's a continuously evolving trauma that gets worse the deeper we get into it and as patience and mental health erode.
again, just screaming into the void.
that's the frustrating thing for me. so many things are changing. people are coming together. communities are finding ways to support each other. but the fucking over keeps happening. and that's not going to change any time soon.
why are we all trying to pull each other up by our boot straps?
that meme about how we're all just passing around the same $20 on venmo?
it's not fucking funny because it's REAL. we're all worried about each other when the people who can make a difference are fighting over who gets the credit and money.
it's just so fucking defeating.
in addition to all this, my poor little puppers is in heat again. she's extra needy, extra smelly, extra disgusting, extra potty accident prone. my apartment is disgusting right now. i've tried every different type of puppy diaper on her and nothing works. so. all the blankets and rugs are in desperate need of washing. my whole apartment reeks because there's no amount of cleaning i can do right now to make things clean. i open the windows when i can, but my radiators have never worked right and the weather is still fucking COLD more than not. it just feels gross.
and then today (TMI WARNING: LOOK AWAY) i started my period (periods during a pandemic should be illegal) so now we're BOTH feeling miserable and gross.
two bitches in heat.
social distancing is for YOUR safety right now.
in the middle of all this i meditated for a few days and came to the difficult decision that i had a friendship i needed to step away from for a bit.
spoiler alert, it did not go well.
not the first time. won't be the last. but it did make a difficult decision even harder. i spent a great portion of my life, adult and child, not speaking up because of the fear of backlash. it took a long time after getting out of domestic violence to be able to speak my mind again (yes, me, the loudmouth).
the reaction showed that it was the right decision, but it was still a terrible ending.
and it's hard to let go of one of your people when you only have a few people, in a time when you can't have ANY people.
*sigh* so. that was a lot of whining and complaining.
it's been a lot.
i feel myself shutting down.
i feel myself withdrawing, which, when you're home alone...is weird.
i've been trying to do the things. i'm still taking my daily vitamins. hopefully no longer poisoning myself while doing so. i'm trying to meditate (you can tell you're not in a great headspace when meditating makes you angrier). i'm trying to stick to a regular sleep schedule. i'm trying to shower daily (only missed 1 so far!). i'm still ordering/picking up groceries and basics. i'm still eating(ish). i'm trying to read but i can't focus on anything and end up reading the same sentence 6 times and still not reading it.
i'm sure some of it is still my hormones trying to sort themselves back out. most of it is just my own shitty behavior and thought patterns.
i'm tired. i'm tired of fighting for my mental health. i'm tired of working so hard to string together a few good days just to get derailed again. it's fucking exhausting having to fight with my own brain every single day. i know it takes a lot of time and hard work to change behavior patterns. i've worked really hard, for years, to recognize and interrupt the bad crap and replace it with the good.
i haven't had a therapy appointment in a few weeks. i forgot to schedule another session after my last zoom session. partly because i'm TERRIFIED of the bill. i haven't seen a bill since i started going again back in december. i KNOW my insurance doesn't cover all of it. hell, my insurance might not cover any of it until my deductible is met. i read through all the documents several times but it's so fucking confusing. that means...let's see...9 appointments, probably at least $100 each means...i'm fucked.
also, i'm 98% sure my therapist is as exhausted from talking about the same bullshit over and over as i am. every time she gently reminds me "we've talked about this before..." i just want to scream I KNOW. WELCOME TO MY BRAIN. i get so mad at myself for being stuck on the same fucking issues over and over. i know it's annoying as fuck on her end. it has to be, because it drives me fucking insane. I KNOW THE ANSWER. I KNOW THE WORK. I KNOW HOW TO ADJUST THIS. and then i just get stuck again.
i'm trying to...i just need a win, you know?
it seems like with everything going on in the world, EVERYONE is writing a think piece or how this is impacting them or any of the millions of articles related to the current state of the world.
the main thing i've seen in response to the deluge of writing is people saying the last thing they want is another think piece.
i've just...not.
well, that's half of it.
the other half is bad habits kicking back in.
today is not a good day.
and like all my other bad days the first thing i do is tell myself to shut up about it. no one wants to hear a whiner. everyone is having a hard time right now. suck it up buttercup.
all the usual players are here- shame, guilt, anger, fear, judgment, insults, insecurity...
the whole point of this writing project was to be honest with myself. stop hiding from the hard stuff. write it out.
i've been monumentally stupid in the last few weeks.
for about a month i was accidentally forcing myself into a terrible postpartum depression. i mixed the wrong supplements under the idiotic thinking that "if they sell it at target, it can't be bad for you."
i researched evening primrose oil as a natural way to help skin and pms among other things. i researched the shit out of it, like i do everything else. a few minor side effects listed: headache, digestive issues. no big deal. first few days my boobs HURT but digging a little deeper showed one of the "side effects" was breast growth. huh. weird. whatever.
then i started noticing my skin getting WORSE. way worse. painful cystic acne worse. but, you know, things take a minute to adjust. maybe it's just purging the bad stuff out of my system then it will all clear up.
maybe i'll randomly mention something to a friend (an herbologist) who lets me know: btw, it kinda tricks your body into thinking it's pregnant. oh, and also that other supplement you take can also be used as an abortificant.
i'm dumb enough to mix supplements that simultaneously made my body think it was pregnant AND trying to abort causing a postpartum like depression. because that's what i need. MORE DEPRESSION.
on top of that i've been in the middle of a rent strike at my apartment.
since all this covid bullshit has started, my building management has refused to provide any kind of rent relief OR clean the building. after repeated emails to them asking to have common areas cleaned, the finally sent a (nasty) notice with their cleaning schedule (fake), the areas cleaned (still visually dirty) and the products used (i would love to see reports on how a swiffer cleans covid).
i'm at a loss. technically they provided what i asked for. they state the cleaning is being done. it would be my word against them if i complained (if i even found someone to file a complaint with). they're being absolutely terrible up to and including threatening eviction. yes, i know they can't evict right now, there's a 150 day moratorium. it's still massively blows though. i have NEVER not paid rent OR ever even been late on my rent. it's been a point of pride in my 21 years of rental history. i'm furious that there's nothing i can do. i'm furious that they're lying. i'm furious that the building is dirty and unsafe, especially as most of the other tenants are older. but what can i do? i'm shouting into the void. it's my tiny voice against a corporation who has zero interest in doing what's right.
the same thing is happening at work. i've heard the "you should be grateful to still have a job" line so many times and it's so abusive. the company didn't let us keep our jobs out of a magnanimous gesture. they did it to keep making money. they didn't "let" us all work from home out of goodwill. if that was the case, it would have been available YEARS ago. they did it because they need to keep money hitting the accounts. they sent out a corporate wide email about how they're not paying out 19 billion in shareholder payments right now to "help the company" during this time. YOU WANT TO HELP THE COMPANY? use some of that 19 billion euro to provide full medical and living wages to your employees. stop pushing productivity right now. let people adjust to the entire world being a fucking dumpster fire. say "people should have adapted to work from home by now..." ONE MORE TIME YOU FUCKING ASSHATS. it wasn't a one time thing. it's a continuously evolving trauma that gets worse the deeper we get into it and as patience and mental health erode.
again, just screaming into the void.
that's the frustrating thing for me. so many things are changing. people are coming together. communities are finding ways to support each other. but the fucking over keeps happening. and that's not going to change any time soon.
why are we all trying to pull each other up by our boot straps?
that meme about how we're all just passing around the same $20 on venmo?
it's not fucking funny because it's REAL. we're all worried about each other when the people who can make a difference are fighting over who gets the credit and money.
it's just so fucking defeating.
in addition to all this, my poor little puppers is in heat again. she's extra needy, extra smelly, extra disgusting, extra potty accident prone. my apartment is disgusting right now. i've tried every different type of puppy diaper on her and nothing works. so. all the blankets and rugs are in desperate need of washing. my whole apartment reeks because there's no amount of cleaning i can do right now to make things clean. i open the windows when i can, but my radiators have never worked right and the weather is still fucking COLD more than not. it just feels gross.
and then today (TMI WARNING: LOOK AWAY) i started my period (periods during a pandemic should be illegal) so now we're BOTH feeling miserable and gross.
two bitches in heat.
social distancing is for YOUR safety right now.
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(not stella) |
spoiler alert, it did not go well.
not the first time. won't be the last. but it did make a difficult decision even harder. i spent a great portion of my life, adult and child, not speaking up because of the fear of backlash. it took a long time after getting out of domestic violence to be able to speak my mind again (yes, me, the loudmouth).
the reaction showed that it was the right decision, but it was still a terrible ending.
and it's hard to let go of one of your people when you only have a few people, in a time when you can't have ANY people.
*sigh* so. that was a lot of whining and complaining.
it's been a lot.
i feel myself shutting down.
i feel myself withdrawing, which, when you're home alone...is weird.
i've been trying to do the things. i'm still taking my daily vitamins. hopefully no longer poisoning myself while doing so. i'm trying to meditate (you can tell you're not in a great headspace when meditating makes you angrier). i'm trying to stick to a regular sleep schedule. i'm trying to shower daily (only missed 1 so far!). i'm still ordering/picking up groceries and basics. i'm still eating(ish). i'm trying to read but i can't focus on anything and end up reading the same sentence 6 times and still not reading it.
i'm sure some of it is still my hormones trying to sort themselves back out. most of it is just my own shitty behavior and thought patterns.
i'm tired. i'm tired of fighting for my mental health. i'm tired of working so hard to string together a few good days just to get derailed again. it's fucking exhausting having to fight with my own brain every single day. i know it takes a lot of time and hard work to change behavior patterns. i've worked really hard, for years, to recognize and interrupt the bad crap and replace it with the good.
i haven't had a therapy appointment in a few weeks. i forgot to schedule another session after my last zoom session. partly because i'm TERRIFIED of the bill. i haven't seen a bill since i started going again back in december. i KNOW my insurance doesn't cover all of it. hell, my insurance might not cover any of it until my deductible is met. i read through all the documents several times but it's so fucking confusing. that means...let's see...9 appointments, probably at least $100 each means...i'm fucked.
also, i'm 98% sure my therapist is as exhausted from talking about the same bullshit over and over as i am. every time she gently reminds me "we've talked about this before..." i just want to scream I KNOW. WELCOME TO MY BRAIN. i get so mad at myself for being stuck on the same fucking issues over and over. i know it's annoying as fuck on her end. it has to be, because it drives me fucking insane. I KNOW THE ANSWER. I KNOW THE WORK. I KNOW HOW TO ADJUST THIS. and then i just get stuck again.
i'm trying to...i just need a win, you know?
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