Wednesday, February 21, 2018

continue from last save point?

i believe love at first sight is real for some people.

i believe it's the " be continued" for soul mates whose journey ended abruptly or tragically before its time.

so, in a way, i believe in reincarnation: a continuation of the soul's learning journey. not sure where i land on the start as a rock, come back as a turtle and work your way up portion of it.

i subscribe to more of a cafeteria plan when it comes to religion and spirituality. take the parts that make sense to me, skip the weird parts, especially any involving snakes.

but i believe that some part of us gets more than one journey on this rock.

and i believe that sometimes you can see or intuitively know some of your past pieces. i was recently allowed to see someones memory from being a rum runner on the oregon coast in the late 1920's (second sight, energy sharing, memory transference, whatever you want to call it, it's cool as shit.)

and i can't help but wonder...maybe there's some sort of tether on your maybe you get to continue from your last saved point. if you grew up and lived in one town your whole life, maybe your saved spot will be close to there. you can have love at first sight with someone from grade school because you're both starting from your last saved point...romantically and geographically.

if you traveled/moved all the time maybe your last save spot was on a trip or somewhere away from home. maybe this is where wanderlust comes in. the search to find where your other memories are; find your other saved points. maybe this is why some people search their whole lives for their soul mate. they have to search for the intersection of last saved points.

i've always been inexplicably drawn to the south.

what are the chances my last saved point was there once?

is that why i feel lost and unsettled here more and more? is that why i haven't been able to find a functional partnership anywhere in a tri-state area?

am i just running out of ways to avoid settling so i'm inventing new ones?

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