Monday, April 25, 2016

and then...

we have a customer at work that has a fairly large account balance. every week, like clockwork, he sends in his payment, and every week, no exceptions, his payment is folded neatly in a piece of yellow legal paper.

because...i don't know really. they make security envelopes. it gets delivered to a po box. there's really not much risk now days of someone stealing what they think *may* be a check from a po box.

BUT. whatever the reason, every week, check folded up in a piece of yellow legal paper.

i decided to start saving the yellow legal paper.

because, why not? it just seems wasteful to throw away a black piece of papers whose only job so far has been to prevent the theft of a perfectly secure check.

and i decided somewhere along the way, wouldn't it be funny to use the saved paper to write a story? something ironic about someone who is struggling to pay their bills but is wasteful in every other manner in life.


well, maybe.

anyway. saving paper. writing a story.

BUT WAIT. i already threw away half the pages. well, some of them anyway. i have to start the story part of the way through? like a manuscript whose first few pages have been lost throughout the process?

we join this story already in progress...

AND THEN i had the though, wouldn't it be fun to write a whole bunch of stories that start half way through? or end half way through?

because let's be honest: i'm too lazy to write a whole fucking story. i'm great at starting stories. i have a whole fucking portfolio of half started stories with great characters that i lost interest in. it happens.

and as soon as i had this idea (and a few more hits) the ideas started pouring in along with some fucking fantastic one liners.

and so that's what i'm going to do. i'm going to start a series of half started and half finished stories. and they'll force the reader to create the ending. or the beginning. and what's better than making someone else do your work for you?

it's so fantastically fucking egotistical to think that not only would someone want to read a story (half story) i wrote, but that they would take the time to craft their own ending to it as well.

i'm super excited. i'll probably throw most of them up on here since i have little to no patience and pretending to wait until i have enough compiled to make an actual book sounds like it would take forever, and what good is a story if people can't read it.

so. that's the plan. and i'm already crafting excuses as to why it will be a half finished collection of half stories.

it'll be great.

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