Wednesday, October 26, 2011

a contest:

so. we're going to play a little game tonight. below are 5 pictures of yours truly. let's play the "guess which one she's the heaviest in" game, shall we?

picture A:

picture B:

picture C:

picture D:

picture E:

and answer is:
picture A: taken 10/2009 checking in at 220
picture B: taken 10/2010 checking in at 203
picture C: taken 4/2011 checking in at 230
picture D: also 4/2011, same weight
picture E: taken 10/2011 checking in at 248

i don't understand my body. in 2 years i've jumped FOURTY pounds. i dropped a bunch a while ago (remember those posts when i was all excited about my wii?) and now i'm back up to my heaviest ever. but i don't LOOK like it. at least to me i don't...

my jeans are baggy. my bra is the same size. my tee shirts fit the same. even my damn shoes fit the same. i think my face looks thinner now than it has in a long while and yet i'm checking in at my heaviest EVER. where the fuck am i hiding FORTY POUNDS? you see people flex 10 pounds and they have to change wardrobes one way or the other. i flex FORTY and nothing has changed. umm...WHAT THE FUCK BATMAN?

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